Licentiate Member of The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (Aphp)

☏ Call Yvonne on 07884162343 to arrange a free 30 minute consultation
✉︎ or email me at

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Services I offer


Hypnotherapy – 2 hours – £200

During your session I’ll use verbal guided relaxation to move your mind and body into a relaxed hypnotic state.  Then, using Hypnosis Suggestion or Hypno-analysis, I’ll be able to help you discover what’s at the heart of your troubles and start you on the road to a happier you.  The collaborative nature of these sessions empowers you as the individual to harness the power of your own mind, leading to potential breakthroughs and positive shifts in your mental and emotional well-being. By accessing your deep subconscious mind, this allows you to reframe your thoughts and address anything that may be hindering your personal growth.


EMDR- 2 hours – £200

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing is an interactive technique using bilateral stimulation to soothe and reduce physiological stress.  During EMDR therapy sessions, you relive traumatic or triggering experiences in brief doses while having your eye movements directed.  It is very effective for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Trauma related disorders.  It offers a unique way of addressing the trauma by helping individuals reprocess their memories in a safe and controlled environment, ultimately allowing emotional healing and growth, neutralizing the emotional charge for the individual.


EFT – 2 hours – £200

Emotional Freedom Technique (known as Tapping) is the technique of tapping the meridian energy points on your face and body whilst focusing on the problem or disturbance you have.  The result?  A disruption of energy when tapping these points allows you to release any emotional energy blockages or negativity you may be holding onto, allowing you to rewire negative thought patterns.  This technique is used to address a wide range of challenges, including stress, anxiety, trauma, phobias, and even physical pain.  EFT allows you as an individual to take an active role in your own healing journey, and offers you a non-invasive and empowering method to restore balance to your mind and body.


NLP – 2 hours – £200

Neuro Linguistic Programming can help you become clearer in your way of being and thinking in order to achieve what you want whether that’s relating to work, sports achievements, other performance tasks, or just in your everyday life.  NLP allows you to change and alter your behaviour or internal state.  By altering your internal brain road map.  NLP can produce very rapid and long-lasting change.   NLP will help you as an individual to enhance your communication skills, manage your thoughts and emotions, and consequently, influence your behaviours and interactions with others.

Past LR

Past Life Regression Session

One to one – 1 hour 30 minutes – £150

Small Group – Min 2 / Max 3 people – 1 hour 30 minutes – total £120 per session (£60 pp for 2 / £40 pp for 3 people)

Have you ever wondered if you have had any Past Lives? During this session I will take you into Hypnosis and regress you back through time to explore any past lives that you may have experienced.  You will discover these memories and what your story was!  You may discover and find prior lives that have deep rooted connections with who you are now and you will find out if there are any lessons to be learned or gained for you in your current life and situation. This session is offered to you as a one-to-one session and is hosted regularly in small in person group sessions.

group hypnosis


Mind Massage Session – 1 hour 30 minutes – £150

When do you ever check in with your Mind Health? This session will help allow you to Detox your mind giving you the chance to dump all of those unwanted thoughts, to gain clarity in your thinking and understanding for yourself.

Having a Mind Massage in a no judgement, safe and secure confidential environment, gives you the time and space to touch base with your own mind health, using your subconscious mind, to have that deeper check in with how you are feeling, releases those thoughts and clutter, helping you to deal with anything that is concerning you in your life currently.  Sometimes these thoughts stop you from making decisions and moving forward in your life or business and very often are holding you back, a check in with your mind releases this to allow you to detox and move forwards.    

Hypnosis eye

Children’s Therapy Session – 1 hour – £100

I offer shorter therapy sessions for children of up to one hour as children tend to be able to concentrate for a shorter period of time.  I will teach your child different techniques and tools to help them to deal with their everyday situations and problems.

stop smoking

Stop Smoking – 2 hours – £250

Are you ready to change your life and become a non smoker? then this is the session for you. In this two-hour session, we will address why you smoke and go through in detail, your daily routines and habits to initiate the changes required for you to become a nonsmoker. This is all done in a two-hour, one-off session. If a booster session is required this can be arranged within a month after the initial session.